I remember the day so well. It was March 20, 1966. It was a Sunday. It was also the first day of Spring that year. It also tried to snow, just very lightly. At 3:57p.m. my first born came into this world, at 5 pounds 14 ounces, and 18 inches long. She was born at Harborview Hospital. Little did we know until years later that she was to die at the same time she was born, and at the same hospital. I do believe God was 'speaking' to me with these two times being exactly the same, and at the same hospital. Sometimes God does these things, to subtly 'speak' to us, to remind us that He is with you, and lets you know that He will comfort you.

Little did I know at her birth that she wouldn't make it to her 30th birthday. Little did I know that the cruel saying "I brought you into this world, I can take you out" would ever end up applying to any of my children and myself. It did. At 3:57p.m. Saturday, July 15, 1995, at Harborview Hospital. I was the one who had to tell the doctors to take her off from life support. A terrible thing for a parent to have to do.

There were two things about Patti that were sure things. She was basically a happy person. She always loved to be doing things - roller skating, going to movies, whatever………She loved to laugh and smile. The other was - if there was the littlest bit wrong with her system, I would know immediately. How? Touchy stomach. She would immediately be sick to her stomach. There may be no other symptoms showing up right away, (and sometimes nothing else at all) but the tummy was always a sign all was not well. Touchy stomachs, unfortunately runs on my side of the family, and Patti had it the worst.

Patti was pretty much a happy child, liked to laugh, and wanted was for everyone to be to be at peace. This is why on her original "memorial" pages that I did for her, is the writing "Desiderata". It really applies to her.

One interesting thing, is that she had one family trait, that we all have. Some more so then others of us. She could be very hard headed at times. And if she was doing her hard-headed bit with me, I would tell her, "Patti, I have had 20 years more experience in hard-headedness then you, so don't keep trying to out do me." This always would end up making her laugh. But Mom…………..!!!

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