A Little Bit from Patti's Mom

Greetings from my family to yours. Our family lives in Seattle, Washington. All three of my children were born in Seattle, and I was born in Bremerton, which is west and south of Seattle.

My two sons, Andrew and Pete, and myself are just about the only family we have close by anymore. I wish that this was different, but life just doesn't always work out the way a person wants it to.

Patti was my oldest child, and the only girl I had. I seem to have written and written and written some more about her on this site. I have changed things, added things, and will probably do this several times until I am 100% happy with the site. Maybe I will never be entirely happy with it? Who knows.

The internet is really a great place to put memorial sites - whether it is helping a person get past their grief, or to honor someone - or both. Patti's site is on the internet to honor her memory. It's also for my sons who have grieved her, terribly. Its also for other people to read, and learn how devastating alcohol and Aids/HIV can be. And! Learn from it.

Patti is in a better place then her brothers and I am. We will see her again some day. She lives on within us and as a part of us. That will never change.

Wherever you go in life, please go in peace and love. That is what Patti would want. There is to much hatred and unrest in the world, which is so unnecessary. We all were born with the capacity to get along with all peoples. We should love, learn and accept people for who they are and not for what they are not. Or hate because they are not 'like us'. Hate is for small minded people. We are all part of the same universe.

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~~ Updated April 26, 2003 ~~